Persona 3 The Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream

Download Persona 3 The Movie 2: Midsummer Knight's Dream Sub Indo

Type: Movie
Episodes: 1
Status: Completed
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Seinen, Supernatural
Skor : 8.02 (
Tahun Rilis: 2014
Subtitle : Indonesia
Credit : | animesave
Resolusi: 480p & 720p

Setelah transfer ke Gekkoukan Swasta Academy, Makoto Yuki tiba-tiba diserang oleh rakasa aneh yang disebut Shadows dan terbangun untuk kekuatan yang memungkinkan dia untuk memanggil Persona. Melihat potensi Makoto, para anggota Specialized Ekstrakurikuler Eksekusi Squad mendekatinya untuk bergabung dengan mereka dalam pertempuran mereka melawan makhluk-makhluk ini. Makoto, awalnya merasa terlepas dari situasi menerima undangan mereka acuh tak acuh, tetapi karena ia belajar lebih banyak tentang "Dark Hour," dan terlibat dalam banyak pertempuran yang keras, ia mulai merasa ikatan yang kuat dengan rekan tim. Dan musim berubah dari musim semi ke musim panas. pertempuran masih jauh dari selesai untuk MELIHAT tim, sekarang bergabung dengan anggota baru, tapi mereka semua merasa rasa pemenuhan bahkan saat mereka menghadapi keadaan yang tidak normal. Roda nasib mulai berubah, karena mereka akan belajar dari percobaan baru mereka harus menghadapi.

Following his transfer to Gekkoukan Private Academy, Makoto Yuki is suddenly attacked by a strange monster called Shadows and is awakened to a power which allowed him to summon a Persona. Seeing Makoto’s potential, the members of the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad approach him to join them in their battle against these creatures. Makoto, initially feeling detached from the situation accepts their invitation indifferently, but as he learned more about the “Dark Hour,” and engaged in many harsh battles, he began feeling a strong bond with his teammates. And so the season turned from spring to summer… the battle was far from over for the SEES team, now joined by a new member, but they all felt a sense of fulfilment even as they faced these abnormal circumstances. The wheels of fate began to turn… as they were about to learn of the new trials they must face.

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